The User Journey with Influencer Marketing

Users trust other users much more than brand communications. That’s why Influencer Marketing plays an essential role at the beginning as well as during the user journey. Today, we explain how Metapic can help you optimise your user journey with influencer marketing.

The 5 Phases of the User Journey

The user journey is a 5-step process that shows a user’s path from initial contact to being a loyal customer. It assumes the understanding of the needs and preferences of the users to provide a seamless and satisfying experience.

The Influencer Marketing User Journey:

user journey

Influencer Marketing allows to target the user at every touchpoint of the user journey, from awareness to retention. Moreover, creators deliver a continuous brand effect by engaging with potential customers on a personal and authentic level. However, to carry out a successful influencer marketing campaign, the focus should be different in all 5 phases of the customer journey and focus not only on the conversion phase.

This phase is the most important, as it is about drawing users‘ attention to the company and positioning it as a solution provider. That is where the creators build your branding, which is essential for effectively increasing sales.

The discovery phase aims to understand the needs, preferences, and problems of the users. That means this phase is almost as important as the awareness phase because this is explicitly about the user.

In the consideration phase, the focus is to awaken the interest of potential customers and help them to better understand their needs and requirements by showing how to use the product or service.

The conversion phase brings users to the purchase decision and to buy the product or service. The easiest way is to drive conversions with coupon codes or special offers.

The retention phase is the last phase in the user journey with the aim of strengthening customer loyalty. The aim here is to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction through targeted measures that go beyond the purchase.

User Journey Example

To help you better understand the individual phases, we have created an example of new beauty products with coupons. Please note that each phase can change individually depending on the brand products and services to achieve the best results. Our Metapic experts will be happy to help you with this!

user journey

A word from our expert

Important to understand is that qualitative creators are using affiliate links to promote their favourite brands; hence this type of affiliate marketing cannot be compared to any other publisher type. Whilst creators are delivering high-converting content that lasts long term, it oftentimes needs some time to kick off. Conversions are a crucial goal yet are only at the end of the sales funnel. In order to get there, it is essential to invest in every touchpoint of the user journey. The beginning of the funnel is the awareness phase, where the first impression is created. During this phase, the user gets to know your product or service through promotions and recognises that it solves their problem. Therefore, it is important to focus on this phase first and make sure your brand accompanies the user at every stage of their journey, ensuring that they immediately think of your products or services.

Luisa Theißen, Team Lead at Metapic Germany

Optimise your User Journey now!

Do you want to address your target group in every phase of your user journey? Luisa Theißen and the whole Metapic team will help you to understand your user journey and create every phase individually depending on your needs and highest goals.

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