Computer & Electronic Trend Report 2018


The Computer & Electronics industry showed healthy growth in 2018 in affiliate marketing of 3% YOY across Europe. Mobile sales in Electronics increased substantially by 39% YOY and reached a value of 15%, which is still below the value across all industries of 20%. AOV in contrary was much higher in Electronics (165 €) than across all industries (68 €) and even increased by 10% YOY.




Highest growth in Italy and Belgium

Overall order value across Europe increased by 3% YOY in 2018, but some countries especially stood out. Italy was leading with 49% YOY growth, closely followed by Belgium with 42%. Number three were the UK with an increase of 13% YOY.




Mobile sales is catching up

While mobile sales in Electronics remained rather stable between 2016 and 2017 (around 11%), it increased substantially from 2017 to 2018 by 39% to a value of now almost 15%. Biggest increase in mobile sales was again noted in Italy (+117%) and Belgium (+109%) who are trying catching up with the leaders in mobile sales remaining to be the Netherlands (31%) and Switzerland (30%). Overall in most countries mobile sales in Electronics was still substantially lower (15%) than mobile sales across all industries (20%), even though the latter value dropped by 11% YOY. Remarkable exception to the rule were the Netherlands, where mobile sales in Electronics 2018 was double the value of mobile sales across all industries!




AOV continues to increase

AOV as well has increased in 2018 YOY by 10% across Europe and reached a record level of 165 €, while AOV across all industries dropped by 17% to only 68 € across Europe. Looking at the different countries we noticed that AOV in Electronics was significantly higher everywhere than AOV across all industries. Leading countries in Electronics AOV were Switzerland (271 €), Italy (230 €) and the Netherlands (207 €).

Shopping carts on mobile devices were even larger than on desktop. Smartphone AOV for Electronics increased by 2% YOY and reached a record level of 183 € across Europe, Leading countries here were again Italy (262 €), Switzerland (229 €) and Spain (223 €).




Cyber Week and Holiday Shopping Season are main business drivers

When looking at the seasonality of consumer buying behaviour in 2018 we noticed that, despite a peak in July, November and December were by far the busiest shopping months in the Electronics industry. Cyber Week, Single’s Day and Holiday Shopping Season continued to be the main business drivers for this vertical.




Consumers start their week with shopping electronics

Looking at the weekday analysis across Europe we noticed that Electronics consumers especially liked to shop on Monday and Tuesday, while Saturday was the weakest day. Conversion rates were also a bit higher during the first two days of the week (0,5%) compared to the rest of the week (0,4%). AOV during working days was at 166 € compared to 159 € during the weekend.




Top publisher models

In terms of order value coupons/discount-codes/deals remained the leading publisher model (24%) across Europe in Electronics, followed by cashback/loyalty (20%), retargeting (11%), vertical sites (10%) and price comparison sites (9%). The biggest increase was noted in cashback/loyalty last year with 18% growth YOY catching up with Coupons (+7% growth). These two publisher models were also leading in conversion rates (Cashback 8,2%, Coupons 5%).




Quick Facts on Computer & Electronics:



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