What you need to know about Christmas present shopping 2022

Many companies have already started planning for Christmas sales. So, it is important to stand out among all of the other offers with your own marketing strategy. To succeed, you need to understand what consumers are looking for and how they shop. For this, we did a survey about Christmas present shopping with -around 500 consumers. Based on this data, we have prepared tips for Christmas present sales.

“I always buy my Christmas presents in November / early December.” – 54%

Christmas present shopping

More than half of the people interviewed start buying Christmas presents in November. 30% start shopping much earlier, and only 16% will buy the presents just before Christmas.

That is a clear sign to make the most of Singles Day, Black Friday Week, and Cyber Week to boost sales at the end of the year. As the survey showed, this is when majority of the interviewed people buy their Christmas presents and are willing to spend money. Also look out for attractive discounts, discount codes and vouchers as these further increase the incentive to buy.

“I prefer to buy my Christmas presents online.” – 70%

Christmas present shopping

Buying behaviour has strongly changed in the direction of online purchasing during the pandemic (Read more here >>). Not surprisingly, as this is how many people first discovered the advantages of online shopping. Our survey also shows this clearly, as 70% want to buy their Christmas presents online or via mobile apps this year.

Don’t forget: The future is mobile!

This is also reflected in our survey, with 73% of respondents buying their presents using their smartphone or tablet this Christmas.

The increasing number of app installs (58% from 2019 to 2020) also makes app sales more and more successful. Our new brand called Appiness, is ready to drive your business and create solutions through app marketing. Whether you are an advertiser with an app or a publisher wanting to monetise your inventory with our top campaigns.

“I use coupons/discount codes/deals the most. 1st place

The first most used discount type was coupons/discount codes and deals. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places were taken by the discounts through apps, cashback, and price comparison sites.

Therefore, you should focus on these four types when selecting publishers for Christmas offers.

Christmas present shopping

Plan your Christmas offers now!

Through the survey results, you can gather great information on consumer buying behaviour for Christmas present shopping. Now contact our experts to boost your sales again at the end of the year >>

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