Influencer Marketing


LOVEThESIGN is an online boutique born in Milan in 2012, and has now spread throughout Europe. The brand is working with influencers for years already and has seen some great results. We are discussing experiences and industry challenges with Vincenzo Cannata, Co-Founder & Ceo.


Influencer marketing is getting mature. What latest trends and developments have you experienced?

Influencer Marketing is for sure becoming more and more important in every company’s marketing strategy. One of the biggest developments I have noticed is the cross-industry potential: influencers are less and less linked to one specific industry (fashion, fitness, travel etc). Indeed the credibility they gain with their followers is much more connected to their daily life 360°, which means admiring their clothes, entering their houses, getting recommendations to try new restaurants, new places, new fitness routines. This has for brands a huge impact in terms of marketing penetration: the possibility to reach people outside of their strict affinity target.


How important is influencer marketing in your marketing strategy?

It’s certainly part of our winning cocktail but we are still trying to figure out a way to make it consistent.


What experiences and successes did you have with influencer marketing?

Our biggest Influencer Marketing project called “In the office with Luca” was launched in 2015, with the collaboration of Luca Argentero, an Italian actor.

The concept was based on a web series with the aim of getting customers to know us better by using elements of play and fun. Indeed, Luca Argentero played the role of a new hire in the LOVEThESIGN family, who was learning how we work and how we live the company values. Each episode was dedicated to a specific area such as logistics, product quality, original design etc..

Our target group were potential customers who were interested in our products but have no/little knowledge of the company yet.

For us this was a great success: we had an incredible brand awareness uplift in Italy, measurable in terms of social channel performances, new customer acquisition ratio and sales echo.

We’d like to replicate the same success abroad especially in France and UK, and this is something we’d surely like to hit in 2018/2019.


What has changed in influencer marketing over the last 12 months?

As I’ve mentioned before the market nowadays is getting mature and structured and there are many more influencer marketing agencies than 2 years ago. The landscape is getting crowded. It is easier now to choose the right platform, selecting the influencer that matches your target the best, even being involved in the content production. At the same time, some of the key questions still remain: who counts as an influencer? How to select the right one? How to measure campaign ROI effectively?

Brands and agencies still have a long way to go in terms of building and understanding the right KPIs in order to make influencer marketing fit into the overall company strategy.


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