January Travel Trend Report across EMEA

The month of January is becoming more and more important for the travel industry across EMEA. When comparing the January numbers to the rest of the year, a substantial increase became obvious. While in 2016 the overall order value in January in EMEA was 36% higher than in the average other months of the year, in 2017 the percentage rose to 52%!

January Travel Trends digital Performance Marketing

Some countries have seen specifically high growth in order value in 2017 YOY in the travel segment: Italy (+48%), Belgium (+37%), Germany (+33%) and France (+24%)

The AOV in travel in January 2017 was 295 €, while in other industries it was just 75 €. Countries with highest AOV in travel were Switzerland (1.039 €), Poland (595 €), Sweden (543 €) and the Netherlands (506 €). Mobile sales remained stable YOY at a low 11%, compared to an average of 23% across all other industries. More advanced in mobile sales in the travel industry were the Netherlands (19%), UK (17%) and Sweden (16%).

Looking at the publisher models three site types continued to share 70% of the order value between each other: Cashback/Loyalty (32%), Vertical sites (19%) and Coupon/Discount (18%). Conversion Rate was led by Reward with 16% and Cashback/Loyalty with 10%, while the average conversion rate in travel was 1,5%.

January Travel Trends digital Performance Marketing

Looking at customer behaviour at the different days of the week in January 2017 shows some very interesting trends:
• Number of sales was lowest on Saturdays (76% compared to average weekday) and highest on Mondays (114% compared to average weekday).
• But the AOV was significantly higher during the weekend (344 €) than on working days (266 €).
• Mobile Sales was slightly higher during the weekend (13%) than on working days (11%).
So Sunday seems like the day to get your business in, with number of sales being average, but AOV being the highest of the week!

January Travel Trends digital Performance Marketing

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