New affiliate program: Happycar

Happycar has chosen Tradedoubler to be its exclusive partner for affiliate marketing. The program has started already in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the US. Poland will follow soon.

Happycar is a rental car comparison website. Available in 7 languages (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, English and Polish), they offer customers the possibility to compare rental car offers all over the world. From local providers to international rental cars companies, Happycar has more than 250 partners all over the world. This allows Happycar to offer the most competitive prices in the market.

Becoming an affiliate partner of Happycar offers many benefits:

  • 7% commission over gross order value
  • Possibility to increase this rate depending on performance
  • One of the best conversion rates in the rental-car vertical
  • Program available in 7 languages (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, English and Polish)
  • Banners available in 9 different sizes and multiple variations
  • Customized Banners available upon request

For any further question, please contact us at:

Do you want to promote this program? Then you can apply here for the program in:

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