Publisher Spotlight: 20 minutes


Can you quickly introduce yourself?

I’m Simon Schwartz, I’m 25 years old and I’ve been Digital Project Manager at 20 Minutes for a year. During my studies (a Master of Science in digital marketing in a business school), I had the opportunity to do several internships in media (on the publisher’s side and on the agency’s side), which naturally led me to continue on this path at 20 Minutes, as Digital Project Manager.


What are your tasks at 20 Minutes?
My role as Digital Project Manager at 20 Minutes is to design and manage developments on the 20 Minutes website, in order to develop our digital audiences.
From a more commercial angle, I also accompany the development of the 20 Minutes shopping guide and good deals section, in order to implement the Content to Commerce strategy with our partner agency Digital Content Expert, an agency with which we have been working since autumn 2020.


What is Content to Commerce?
Content to Commerce consists of producing editorial content for advertisers to highlight their products and commercial news, and thus bring them traffic via tracked links.
This tracking then allows us, as a publisher, to receive a commission for all sales recorded by the advertiser thanks to the traffic brought by 20 Minutes.
The strength of Content to Commerce for a media brand like 20 Minutes is that we offer advertisers the opportunity to partner with the power of our brand to deliver their message and drive performance to their websites.


What are the prospects for Content to Commerce and its evolution in the affiliate market?
Content to Commerce is a rapidly growing business model. We have noticed that advertisers are increasingly keen on this type of exposure, which allows them to benefit from the credibility of the media, their volume of traffic and their strong power of recommendation to bring our readers to the advertisers’ e-commerce platforms.


Why grow in the affiliate channel?
Revenue diversification is a fundamental issue for media, and even more so for 20 Minutes, which is 100% free and financed exclusively by advertising revenue. Our objective is for this project to represent a significant part of 20 Minutes’ revenue sources. At the launch of this project, we identified that the interests of our readers often corresponded to the themes of advertisers, on subjects such as high-tech, sport, entertainment and leisure.

Although the Content to Commerce project at 20 Minutes is still in its infancy, having been launched at the beginning of Q4 2020, we are already seeing very promising initial results with a number of players with whom we are working throughout the year on red thread devices. Our main satisfaction is that we see brands contacting us again because they have had good results on our site.

Our ambition is therefore to position ourselves in the coming years as a key player in this field among the French generalist media, and thus to continue to increase the share of revenues linked to affiliation in the total revenues of 20 Minutes.


How is the partnership between Tradedoubler and 20 Minutes going?
We chose to join the Tradedoubler network in order to be able to work with the many advertisers who use the platform for affiliation. We were particularly attracted by the presence of major players in the high-tech sector, which is a category that produces very good results on As for 20 Minutes, we appreciate working on this platform for its ease of use and the depth of its analytics, which allow us to monitor and optimise our campaigns in real-time in order to best satisfy our partners.


Can you tell us about your different offers as well as your audiences and your customer references on Content to Commerce?
We market three types of articles: long, short and flash. Long articles are used to present a product category in detail, while short and flash articles allow advertisers to highlight commercial offers on the 20 Minutes site during their commercial highlights: such as new product launches, or promotional offers during sales, Black Friday or any other commercial event.
In order to boost the performance of these articles, we also offer advertisers the possibility of associating visibility packs with the production of the article. We offer to highlight the articles on our web and application home pages, in our newsletters, or to speak via Facebook Ads campaigns. These devices allow us to significantly drive performance and increase the return on investment for our partners.
Advertisers in the high-tech, retail, telephony, subscription services and leisure sectors are currently our main content-to-commerce clients. We regularly launch new tests with different advertisers to check the match between their offers and the interests of our audience, which is mainly young (18-30) and urban.


What are your payment models?
We operate mainly on a model of fixed commissions associated with performance. The fixed fees allow us to remunerate the work of the journalists who produce the articles and allow us to deliver the advertiser’s message while following the editorial line of 20 Minutes.
The fixed costs linked to the booking of highlights enable us to make the most of the visibility offered by a medium such as 20 Minutes, which has 19 million unique visitors on the web every month. The power of the brand and its endorsement have a value that must be valued and taken into account in this content to commerce approach. This is a key point in the model.


Any other news to share?
We’re always ready to test new features with new advertisers, so don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on our offers, to receive our media kit and why not set up a first feature for the French Days or the summer sales!


Thank you, Simon, for the interview!

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