Publisher Spotlight: 20minutos


Can you briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Salvador Bolaños and I have 3 years of experience in Digital Marketing mainly in e-commerce. I currently work as Digital Marketing Manager at 20minutos where I mainly help to increase the number of registered users and implement new monetization ways and e-commerce platforms in the company. 



Can you introduce 20minutos / Henneo?

Henneo was founded in 1985 and has become one of the most important communications and technology groups in Spain. Henneo develops its activity mostly through three different areas: With their local, financial and national mass media (such as Heraldo, LaInformación and 20minutos and Cinemanía ), the technology consultant Hiberus and Bluemedia,  with own selling and technology for advertising.

20minutos started 20 years ago with a physical free national newspaper, accessible for all. During the irruption of the internet, a few years ago was created and has become a reference of information, having more than 20 million users per month. In the last month, 20minutos was the 5th place of national digital newspapers with the most visits (according to Comscore). Additionally,  20minutos ranked 2nd place in mobile traffic in Madrid.  


What are the biggest benefits of collaborating with 20minutos?

In addition, to being one of the most important media in Spain in terms of traffic levels, collaborating with 20minutos has many more benefits. First of all, the great audience that the advertisers can reach. Not only the quantity, but also the quality is important. With our media, you can reach different audiences with segments in different industries: wellness, beauty, technology, sports, travel.

One of the most relevant benefits is that we can reach an audience that wants products between 5 euros to more than 1.000 euros. We have an audience that takes care of the value for money and is confident in our recommendations.  This is achieved thanks to the great data and analytics team and all the different digitalproducts that we have: newsletters, special contents, and branded content.

Another benefit of working with us is flexibility. At 20minutos we are open to new ways of achieving results. We represent the way of thinking “proof and error”. If you do not prove new type of contents, revolutionary strategies or new collaborations you will never know where you can really get. This is a clear difference between us and other publishers, we are always open to listening to new ways of developing business. 


Could you tell us what our advertisers should consider activating a profitable content campaign? 

The advertisers have to concentrate fundamentally on two variables: the publishers as a way to reach their audience and the discounts. Concerning the publishers, the advertiser has to be sure that the content campaign is going to reach the correct audience. For example, if the advertiser is in the beauty industry you cannot make a campaign in a “technology publisher”. It is certainly obvious but sometimes that does happen. 

Making the first point clear the next step is the price and discount. The advertisers have to provide periodical discounts or the best prices they can afford. If the product does not offer great value for the users, they will not buy it. 


What are your plans and expectations for Black Friday and Q4?

We are in an atypical year so it is quite difficult to predict what will happen but it seems that it is going to be one of the best years in the e-commerce history. Our plans are based in duplicating articles, page views and in general viewability.

We are starting a strategy with the programs to increase the viewability and commissions for this event. In addition, we will use our newsletters which are perfectly segmented to reach the correct audience for Black Friday and help advertisers.  


Where do you see the industry going?

With the end of the third-party-cookie, publishers have to find new ways of monetization and affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to get results. This kind of monetization can provide the mass media not only good earnings but affiliate marketing also permits to open collaborations with new advertisers and to know your audience. The revenue strategies will be key and very challenging for all of us.  


Why did you start working with Tradedoubler and what do you like best?

We started working with Tradedoubler because they are one of the most important platforms in affiliate marketing. One of the best things about the platform is the large variety of programs and the close relations with the accounts managers – they are always keen to help! 


Thank you, Salvador for the interview!

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