Publisher Spotlight: Tyviso

Brand-to-brand is the perfect method to get the most out of your upcoming summer sale campaign. Learn how you can use this method for your summer sales in our interview with Adrian Vella, Co-Founder of Tyviso.


Can you briefly introduce yourself?

Hi There! I’m Adrian, Co-founder of Tyviso. I head up the commercial side of our business. My role is to make sure that our partners get the best return and results possible.

Can you introduce Tyviso? What’s the story and the business value?

Tyviso was born out of a case of Virgin Wines (seriously). You know the moment you pull out that first bottle of Pinot Grigio, only to be greeted by a Tsunami of leaflets recommending other relevant brands? We took that concept and turned it digital (with less wine infused headaches, too).

By helping brands recommend another, we’ve created a completely new traffic source, that works exceedingly well.

In the month of April 2022, we delivered a 10% network conversion rate, alongside a 12X ROAS.

What exactly is brand-to-brand recommendation? What is the part of Tyviso?

As alluded to, instead of partners having to rely just on normal acquisition channels such as Social, Search, Voucher Sites etc. we’ve opened a new string for marketing teams bows.

Recommendation is the most powerful selling tool as proven by science. Think of the number of times you’ve eaten at a restaurant just because a friend has told you it’s good.

Tyviso’s role is twofold:
A) To allow you to get going in brand-to brand recommendations.
B) To make sure it runs in the background making you money, rather than being ANOTHER channel to manage.

What differentiates Tyviso from other brand-to-brand businesses, especially with regard to the summer sales?

Our algorithm is what really makes Tyviso shine. Designed by former Yahoo employees, it updates recommendations multiple times a day in line with trends and validated sales.

This means, if a brand is trending (e.g. due to seasonality) it’ll rank higher in front of shoppers. Having a great offer is one thing, making sure it’s in front of people at the right time is equally if not more important.

Summer Sales

What are the advantages when an advertiser enters into a partnership with you for summer sales?

We have a really varied cross-section of brands. And here’s the funny thing, brand to brand is not as linear as you think.

It’s not a case of ‘I’ve just bought a holiday, I need swimming shorts’.

Sure, this will happen some of the time, but human behaviour is random. My favourite example of this is a shopper we saw buy some brownies, then some fitness supplements.

Shoppers when presented with the right offer will bite. Let’s not kid ourselves, everyone has bought something ridiculous from the Aldi middle aisle after going in for a loaf of bread. Tyviso suits both types of these shoppers.

How can you make the summer sales more successful through your work?

We see too many brands have a narrow affiliate programme and put too many eggs in one basket.

By expanding your portfolio of publishers and by trying something new, you diversify risk.

Better still, Tyviso only charges on a CPA, so there’s only upside available and no risk.


Do you have any exciting plans for summer sales in 2022?

So far, we’ve not run much travel just due to what’s been going on with the world.

The super exciting news is that we plan to change that this summer. We’re super keen to speak to brands who think they’d be a great match for people who have just booked a holiday.

Not just clothes and cosmetics, but categories like books and travel accessories really have the ability to fly (pun intended) I think.

What are the latest trends in brand-to-brand?

Brand-to-brand partnerships is a hot area alongside recommendations. They both are very much different, but also have a good amount of overlap.

I’m sworn to secrecy on how much I can, but we have a new product coming in early H2 that we think will combine the two and create the ultimate brand-to-brand powerhouse.

We’re really happy with the value we are providing brands so far, but there’s definitely more to come. Watch this space.

Adrian Vella, Co-Founder of Tyviso
Adrian Vella, Co-Founder of Tyviso

Thank you, Adrian, for this great Interview!

Do you want to establish a partnership with Tyviso? Don`t hesitate to contact us >>

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