Exit Intent: How to Increase Your Conversions


On the 7th of June we will be hosting a webinar focussed on the theme of Exit Intent, conducted by the Country Manager of Smarter Click, who is asking you and endeavouring to answer the question “Exit Intent – A valid marketing tool or the devil’s work?”.

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm



About the Webinar

In an industry that is constantly evolving, Smarter Click are going to take the opportunity to show you case studies from their own clients, take you through the do’s and dont’s of online engagement, from the pitfalls to avoid to the must haves for your website to personalise your content and interact with your customers positively.


David Ayre
Country Manager, Smarter Click

A highly passionate & energetic professional marketing professional with commercial, online marketing and business development experience. David has a career spanning more than a decade developing and delivering online marketing campaigns  that have repeatedly over delivered within retail in particular, but also travel, finance and technology. David is a seasoned veteran in the affiliate industry having experienced life on all sides of themarket place; client side, agency side, network side and now affiliate/technology side.




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