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Grow Plans &

Sell your products through more than 180,000 partners.
All on one single platform. Choose your perfect partners and watch your sales grow.

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Platform Fee





Platform Fee




Platform Fee


*Ongoing monthly subscription fee for access to Grow. The first month is free, afterwhich the relevant fee will apply.

** For fixed-fee commissions, Grow calculates the commission at 30% of the commission amount, instead of 2.5% of the total order value, as used for percentage-based commissions.

*** The default transaction validation period is 15 days for the Start plan, and 30 days for both Walk and Run plans.


Grow Commission

A performance-based commission that is levied on each transaction. This is calculated as a percentage of the total order value and differs between package tiers.


Cancellation Limit


Maximum percentage of transactions that can be cancelled each month. You should reach out to your Grow Team should you need to cancel more.


Affiliate Commission

The commission that you agree to pay your affiliates for each sale they generate. This is usually a percentage of the order value however, in some instances could be a fixed amount (e.g. for a lead or sample, where the value of the sale is 0).


Transaction Validation Period

The time allowed to cancel or adjust a transaction before it automatically becomes payable to your affiliates. You may still process them sooner should you wish.


Included Programs

Each package has 1 program included. You can create additional programs for €59 each.


Batch Transaction Processing

Ability to process multiple transactions at once, using a CSV file.


Commission Segments

Segments allow you to reward your affiliates with different commissions. E.g. should you wish to pay content sites 5% and cashback partners 3% then you can do this by setting up 2 different segments.


InMail Messages (Monthly)

InMail is a tool that allows you to contact your affiliates directly, through a unique messaging system.


Affiliate Approval

Affiliate approval for any affiliates that apply to promote your program.


Email Support

Guaranteed email response time.


Account Users

The number of account users you can have.


Telephone Support

Access to a specialised support team for faster resolution times and expert advice.


Tracking Impl. Fee

An additional fee to integrate your affiliate tracking on your website, should you require the help of our technical team. 90% of our clients are able to complete their integrations by themselves using our range of eCommerce apps or via GTM and therefore would not incur this fee.


Introduction Call

A bookable introduction call, with a member of our expert team, that allows you to learn more about affiliate marketing, the different affiliate types/opportunities and how to use the Grow platform so that you have the best start possible.


Newsletter Inclusion

Inclusion in our newsletters that are sent to affiliates. These newsletters are aimed at promoting your brand to potential affiliates, in order to help grow your program.


Package Changes

Ability to move between packages.


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