Technology Updates: Publishers

We are continuously working on optimising our technology offerings for you and adapting our publisher interface to your needs. Here you will find an overview of all new Features, Tools, and Technical News from our development team:

11.03.2024: Tracking link in programme description

Before the update, you could see the tracking link of all programme events even though you were not connected to them. Now, you will see the tracking link on a programme page only if you have accepted this programme and the programme commissions are not set to 0.

From the Program Description page, if you are not connected to the programme, you won’t see the tracking link but only the following information: “Only accessible if your status for this program is Accepted.”

Technology Update Publishers

11.03.2024: Report Subscription

The Report Subscription page has now been removed from the menu and integrated directly into the My Reports page, allowing you to save and subscribe to your reports.

To add a subscription to a report, please go to Reports > My Reports and follow the steps below:

#1 Click on “…” at the end of the row on the report you’re interested in subscribing to.
#2 Click on “Add subscription” on the dropdown list.
#3 Enter all necessary information regarding your subscription.
#4 Click the Send button.

Technology Update Publishers
Technology Update Publishers

22.11.2023: InMail

Technology Update - Publishers

Effective communication between Advertisers and Publishers is crucial for success. That’s why we are introducing this new communication system that enables Advertisers to send messages to Publishers.

The InMail button isn’t visible by default for you. It becomes visible only when you receive the first message from an Advertiser. If the Advertiser allows, you can respond to the received message.

23.10.2023: Slide Show

Each market has the possibility to request the creation of a slide show to be displayed in the Advertiser interface.

It will allow you to push any type of communication within the interfaces. For example, this could be a highlight of a program or a site, a program commission increase, a specific promotion offer from a Publisher, and so on. Get in touch with us, and we will send you all the needed information >>

13.07.2023: Search program with ID

technology update - Publisher

Do you want to search for the program not only by name but also by unique ID? Now it is possible! You can easily locate specific programs by entering the corresponding ID directly from the search field.

By introducing this feature, we aim to improve the efficiency and accuracy of program searches for you. It gives you a more precise and targeted search option, which is particularly useful if you are dealing with many programs or looking for a specific externally provided program ID.

13.07.2023: Transactions from invoices

technology updates - publisher

The new function allows downloading transaction information directly from the detail view (eye icon) on the Payment Page. This enhancement provides in-depth visibility to retrieve transaction data associated with billing operations.

With this new capability, you can easily generate reports and analyse transactional data in your preferred format, enhancing your ability to track and manage billing information effectively. Whether for audit, financial analysis or accounting purposes, this feature enables you to obtain transaction details directly from invoice calls.

26.05.2023: 2FA – Two factor authentication

Publishers can now use a 2FA (Two factors authentication) with one-time password SMS to connect to their platform.
Click here for a tutorial on how to enable it >>

26.05.2023: Claims upload & history

Technology update - Publishers

Publishers can now upload their multiple claims via an Excel or CSV file.
They also have the Claim upload history to access the results of the uploads (success, failure). In case of failure, it will allow them to do the necessary corrections and re-upload the file directly.

24.10.2022: Transaction inquiries

Technology update - Publishers

To give you an even better overview of your transaction inquiries, the date you created a transaction inquiry is now displayed at My Programmes > Transaction inquiries. This way, you can check whether and when your inquiries were recorded.

24.10.2022: Denied Transactions

Technology update - Publishers

Now you can also see in your interface why your transactions were denied. Go to Reports > Leads – Sales Activity. Here you will find an overview of all accepted, opened, or denied transactions. If you move the mouse over the “denied” field, the reason is automatically displayed.

In addition, you will now also find the reason for the decline in your Excel, CSV, JSON, or XML file when you export the overview.

29.07.2022: Profile Changes

Technology update - Publishers

Has your company name changed? No problem! Now, you can easily edit it directly in the interface at Account > Information > General.

29.07.2022: Advertiser Homepage URL

Technology update - Publishers

If you download our partner program overview via Programs > All Programs > Export as Excel or CSV file, you will also find an additional column for the homepage URL of the respective advertiser or a partner program.

19.05.2022: Account Balance Breakdown

Technology update - Publishers

To always be up to date on your account balance, you will find a newly created overview with your open and approved payments as well as the next payment date under Reports > Account Balance Breakdown.

Do you have some questions?

We would love to discuss how Tradedoubler can help you grow your business. Get in touch with our experts now >>

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