Performance Marketing in transition: The new Customer Journey

Performance and affiliate marketing are in constant transition – as the first affiliate network operating across Europe, we have good experience with this transition. Today, we show you how the performance marketing industry and Tradedoubler have changed since  it’sbeginning in the 90s, what challenges there are in the online sector today, and how you can meet the requirements of the „new” customer journey with the Performance Group by Tradedoubler!

From IT-Rookie to Omnichannel Partner

The performance marketing industry and Tradedoubler have continuously developed and adapted to new challenges over the past 30 years. Here is a brief overview:

1989: The beginning of performance or affiliate marketing go back to the late 80s. In 1989, William J. Tobins founded a company called PC Flowers and Gifts COM, and just one year later, he developed an affiliate programme for the online flower shop PcFlowers.

1994: Matthew and Jason Olim developed the first affiliate system for the online shop CDNOW.

1996: The Amazon affiliate programme is one of the first affiliate programmes accessible to everyone.

1999: Martin Lorentzon and Felix Hagnö founded Tradedoubler as the first affiliate network which operates across Europe.

2003: The first Affiliate Summit took place in September 2003 with around 200 participants.

2005 – 2015: Tradedoubler launches its white-label solution for global partner management and their business intelligence solution. In 2015, Tradedoubler launched its Cookieless Tracking technology and their Cross-Device Tracking.

2016: Reworld Media became the main owner of Tradedoubler. That helped Tradedoubler to further expand its product portfolio across influencer marketing, app marketing, lead generation, and content to commerce.

2018: As the first partner in the EU, Tradedoubler signs an exclusive content agreement with Microsoft Editorial Solutions.

2020: Tradedoubler became one of the first certified advertising partners of TikTok in the European market.

Today: Now, Tradedoubler brings together a wide range of performance marketing partners with The Performance Group by Tradedoubler. That allows us to offer our clients tailor-made omnichannel marketing solutions.

Performance Marketing

The new Customer Journey

At the latest with the  COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing purchasing power of Generation Z, the power structure in eCommerce has changed: Consumers are more informed, buy more consciously, need more time for their purchase decision, and are less loyal to brands. As a result, brands need to work harder than ever to win their customers.

These factors shape the „new” customer journey:

Content: Customers want to make an informed purchase decision and collect information. Therefore, brands should ensure that potential customers find what they are looking for online – it’s content that informs them about the product and brand,  which provides them with relevant information for their purchase decision.

User-Generated: Young target groups trust other users much more than brands communication. That is why user-generated content plays an important role at the beginning as well as during the customer journey. It also fits that many young users no longer start their product search on Google or other search engines, instead they start on social media platforms. There, they look for shopping inspiration and/or follow the recommendations of friends and influencers.

Cross-Device: The customer journey no longer takes place on just one device. The same applies to online and offline shopping: Many consumers find out about a brand online and buy it locally or vice versa.

Performance Marketing

The Performance Group by Tradedoubler

The new customer journey means that online shops and retailers need a smart omnichannel marketing strategy to address consumers at the beginning of their customer journey and follow them through to conversion. this is where the Performance Group by Tradedoubler comes in. Because  of our performance marketing partners, we offer you omnichannel marketing solutions that cover the whole funnel – from awareness, through interest and desire, to action.

We focus specifically on these four areas:

Classic Performance Marketing: Affiliate marketing, including Google CSS, cashback and voucher sites, price  comparison, retargeting partners, and more.

Content to Commerce: We work with premium media partners so that you can offer your customers relevant, informative, entertaining, and inspiring content.

User-Generated-Content: Our partners Metapic, Onbaz, and zezam will help you to take off in terms of influencer marketing and live video shopping and conquer all social media platforms.

Customer Acquisition: No customers = no sales! Our partners Appiness (app marketing), LeadsLab (lead generation), and Email by TD (Email marketing) ensure that your lead funnel is always well filled and your user base grows by valuable new customers.

Face the Performance Marketing Challenges now!

Do you want to face the challenges of the new Customer Journey together with The Performance Group by Tradedoubler? Then get in touch with us now >>

Get more information about The Performance Group by Tradedoubler here >>

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