Record numbers on Valentine’s Day 2020!


Valentine’s Day 2020 was extremely successful for Tradedoubler! Throughout the week of Valentine’s Day (10th – 14th of February), we saw a growth in order value of 30% YOY, the number of sales even increased by 41% YOY! Interesting fact: The Smartphone AOV grew by 28% YOY up to 71 EUR and was even higher than the average order value across all devices (59 EUR).


KPI Valentines


As you can see in the below graph, in comparison to Valentine’s Day 2019 shoppers started buying for their loved ones earlier. Looking at the order value per day, February 10th showed the biggest increase. Interestingly, the trend of the order value on the day prior to Valentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day itself was quite similar to 2019.


OV Valentines


In comparison to Valentine’s Day last year, the order value grew by 21% YOY and the number of Sales by a remarkable 43% YOY!


NumberSales Valentines


Which countries have benefited the most


Top-performing country for Valentine’s Day 2020 in terms of highest order value was Poland, taking a share of 35% of the total order value generated across all markets. Followed by the UK (16%) and France (10%).


Share of OV


Poland not only provided the highest order value but also the highest order value growth with an increase in order value of +99% YOY, followed by Norway with +90%, Ireland with 39% YOY and Denmark with 31% YOY. AOV was highest in Norway with 135 Euro (compared to 55 EUR across all markets), whilst the Smartphone AOV was the highest in the Netherlands with 169 EUR (compared to 68 EUR across all markets). Leading in mobile sales was Sweden again with +14% YOY.

Whilst during the week of Valentine’s Day the highest number of sales in most countries was generated at the beginning of the week (10th and 11th of February), Germany showed different results. The highest number of sales was generated through last-minute shoppers on the day before Valentine’s Day.


Valentines Germany


Best performing industries


Interestingly, the highest order value during the week and on Valentine’s Day itself was generated through Travel. Followed by Shopping & Retail, Computers & Electronics, and Fashion.

Looking at flower programs at Tradedoubler we saw a growth in order value of 16% YOY. AOV and Smartphone AOV were on a similar level of 37 Euro. Mobile Sales grew by 20% YOY.


KPI Flowers


As expected, the most important day for Flower Programs was the day prior to Valentine’s Day. Overall, the order value trend was similar to 2019. Interestingly, flower shoppers started earlier than last year. On Monday, February 10th, the order value was higher by 12% compared to 2019.


OV Flowers

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