Publisher Spotlight: JvWeb


Bernard Rafael from JvWeb talks about the company, benefits for the advertisers, and their future in the affiliate market. Have a read today!


Can you briefly introduce yourself? 

My name is Bernard Rafael, After working in the pharmaceutical industry, I moved to France 15 years ago and settled in Montpellier where I joined JVWEB, it will be 10 years of service in June.Originating from Peru where Spanish is my native language, I deal mainly with the LATAM and Spain markets


Can you introduce JvWeb?

JVWEB is a webmarketing agency that specializes in the optimization of advertising campaigns on Google Ads and Bing Ads as well as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for more than 15 years. One of the particularities of our agency is that we offer performance-based management: we pay Google for clicks and we are only compensated based on the commissions generated (CPA or CPL). Also, the international nature of our staff makes us distinctive. We have more than 15 languages mastered in-house and 65 employees spread over our various offices in Montpellier, Paris, Geneva and Shanghai.

Finally, we have an internal engineering team that develops tools to help us manage our campaigns but also develops free SAAS tools, including our free automatic audit tool (available in 6 languages).


What are the benefits of collaborating with you and what makes you unique?

In the first place, collaborating with us allows an advertiser to have the best of both worlds of key acquisition metrics that offer both quality from a specialist agency and an ROI guaranteed by the affiliation business model. In other words, advertisers take no risk, they pay by commission irrespective of the acquisition costs and their business model (CPA/CPL/CPC). It is, therefore, an element of guarantee for our clients, the economic model that makes our company a winner does not only rest on its laurels but constantly seeks to optimize in order to make our partners flourish. As mentioned in the previous point, innovation is also an important benefit for our clients, our 7 engineers develop scripts and tools to improve the quality and delivery of our services. It is to be noted that a script developed for one business can be adapted for other verticals. And the last point is our excellent service recognized by Google and Facebook as we are certified partners. This is a guarantee of quality and allows us to benefit from personalized support with dedicated AM.


What are the main obstacles you encounter when activating SEM campaigns in Affiliate Marketing?

Fear of losing control of the campaigns: an advertiser may be afraid that publishers won’t think as they would internally, or that the message delivered doesn’t match what they have in mind. It is in our best interest to create the utmost campaigns because a badly set up campaign never makes a good selling point. 

Bad advertising: we’ve seen publishers who don’t respect the wishes of their clients, and don’t respect the prohibitions on purpose. This has caused damage to the affiliation and has sometimes given a bad image of this business model. 

Lack of information about how we work: It can either be a total misunderstanding that they do not know what we do at all, or sometimes they get the essentials but don’t see the acuteness. That’s why we work with Tradedoubler’s MAs to provide advertisers with a service tailored to their needs, focusing on what they could improve with us.


Could you tell us what our advertisers should consider in order to activate a profitable SEM campaign with you?

JVWEB is a historical player in the affiliate market, we have been working with Tradedoubler since 2000. If we still offer our services and have long term clients, it is because our approach is valuable. So by working with us, advertisers always win because we bring in sales.


How do you see the future of your activity in the affiliate market? Any new functionality or idea you would like to share with the advertisers?

The current global health crisis has resulted in a drop in spending by some advertisers, but the affiliate model has shown resistance in these uncertain times which makes it one of the possible solutions. This model is of low risk for advertisers and an eventual win-win situation. Our performing campaigns have helped maintain some sales at no additional cost for our clients making this business model far from being outdated. We also believe that in the next few years attribution and cross-device will be the important subjects in the affiliate world so we are preparing ahead. Finally, alternative search engines are becoming more and more visible in the search engine landscape. Do not underestimate Bing, this may be the main advice I could give.


Why did you start working with Tradedoubler and what do you like best?

TD is a long-standing partner of JVWEB as our founding president Jonathan Vidor has been working with you since 2002! TD is more than a customer, we have developed a relationship that goes far beyond a simple commercial connection. As the company grew, I was recruited to develop programs in Spanish and Portuguese, so it was only natural that the first programs I launched were on Tradedoubler. TD is a reference in the performance marketing ecosystem. Its highly reliable technical solutions and aptness to understand affiliates’ challenges makes them stand-out. Also, their well-trained and responsive local teams make TD a key player for us today.


Thank you, Bernard, for the interesting insights!


About the interviewer

Alejandra is the Head of Partnership Development at Tradedoubler Spain, being part of Tradedoubler since 2014. With more than 11 years of experience in online marketing, she is responsible for the relationship with our Top publishers, as well as recruiting new forms of collaboration to grow our clients’ results.

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