Computer & Electronics Trend Report for 2019


During 2019 we saw a slight growth in the Computer & Electronics industry. The order value increased by 2% and number of sales by 11% within 2019. Taking a look at the seasonality of the order value, we saw a small peak in January and the highest peak in November, showing the significance of the Cyber Weekend for the Computer & Electronics industry. The order value during November 2019 was 49% higher than the average order value from January to October.



The average order value decreased to 144 € (compared to 158€ in 2018). Outstanding countries in Electronics AOV are Italy (277 EUR compared to 144 EUR across all markets), the Netherlands (234 EUR) and Sweden (193 EUR). Smartphone AOV slightly decreased by 5 EUR to 159 EUR in 2019.  Interestingly, during most of 2019, the smartphone AOV was even higher than the average order value across all devices.




Cyber Weekend

As previously noted, the Cyber Weekend was especially important for the Computer & Electronics industry. 7% of the total order value of 2019 in the electronics industry was generated during the Cyber Weekend.


share of OV CW


The number of sales on Cyber Weekend 2019 took a share of 5% of the total number of sales during 2019, the average order value even took a share of 39% of the total AOV in Computer & Electronics. Whilst the AOV for the industry was at 144 EUR for the year 2019, for the Cyber Weekend 2019 the AOV was at 200 EUR!


Most important markets


The highest order value was achieved in the UK, followed by Spain and the Netherlands. Even though the UK decreased in OV by 1% YOY, the UK market was still a big player in the Computer & Electronics industry – taking a share of 27% of the total order value across all markets during 2019. Followed by Spain (18%) and the Netherlands (15%).




The highest number of sales in the industry in 2019 was generated in the UK, Spain, and France, followed by Poland and Germany.


Publisher Models


As in our blog post about the first half of 2019, the top seller remained Coupon/Discount codes with a share of 28% of the total order value in Computer & Electronics. Followed by Cashback/Loyalty (22%), price comparison (11%), vertical site (8%) and reward (5%).


top publisher models


During Cyber Weekend,  the best performing publisher models remained the same constellation.


Quick Facts for Coupon/Discount Codes in Computer & Electronics


KPI Coupon


Quick Facts for Cashback/Loyalty in Computer & Electronics


KPI Cashback


Quick Facts for Price Comparison in Computer & Electronics


KPI Price Comparison

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