Why you should move to First Party Cookies tracking
before Valentine’s Day

When looking at recent seasonal shopping events we noticed an increasing importance of First Party Cookies. We already published statements on ITP 2.0 and the rising importance of First Party Cookies in affiliate marketing. During Black Friday 2018, Third Party Cookies and Fingerprint Tracking (main targets of Apple’s ITP 2.0) have seen an expected decrease of around 15%. This again underlines the importance for advertisers to quickly migrate to our full technology stack. And the statistics are proving the success of our efforts: During Black Friday 2018 the number of sales validated using First Party Cookies went up by more than 14% YOY. Our aim is to have all our advertisers migrated quickly.

If you haven’t migrated to First Party Cookies tracking yet and want to make sure you are getting the most out of your upcoming Valentine’s Day activities, now is the perfect opportunity to get in touch with your account management at Tradedoubler and kick-off your migration!


First Party Cookies

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