Health & Beauty Trend Report for 2019


In 2019 we saw great growth in the Health & Beauty order value of 32% YOY! The number of sales grew by a remarkable 31% YOY and Mobile Sales took a share of 44% of all sales. The average order value across all devices remained relatively stable at 38 EUR, the Smartphone AOV slightly decreased compared to 2018 to 36 EUR.




When taking a look at the seasonality of the Health & Beauty order value we saw a peak at the end of the year. Especially the Cyber Weekend and Holiday Shopping were interesting events for the industry.




The significance of Cyber Weekend 2019 for the Health & Beauty industry was particularly evident. The order value achieved during the weekend accounted for 6% of the total order value in the industry. The number of sales on Cyber Weekend 2019 took a share of 5% of the total number of sales during 2019, the average order value even took a share of 29% of the total AOV in Health & Beauty. Whilst the AOV for the industry was at 38 EUR for the year 2019, during the Cyber Weekend 2019, the AOV was at 51 EUR.


Power Shoppers in Health & Beauty come from the UK!


While we saw substantial YOY increase in Health & Beauty order value in Poland (+797%) and Belgium (+41%) during 2019, these two countries remained at a rather low level compared to their European peers. The biggest player in 2019 turned out to be the UK with an increase of 99% YOY, and accounted for 59% of the total order value in Health & Beauty!


H&B Markets


Apart from the outstanding order volume within the UK, Sweden should also be mentioned, with a share of 14% of the total order value. Followed by France (7%), Germany (5%) and Norway (5%).


Best performing publisher model


Looking at the publisher models across Europe, the top sellers in 2019 remained Cashback/Loyalty and Coupon/Discount codes, each accounted for 34% of the total order value achieved across all publisher models. The order value generated through Cashback increased by 24% YOY and Coupon/Discount codes by 31%YOY  – leaving the others like Third-party techno and Reward far behind.


Cashback/Loyalty at a glance


KPI Cashback


Coupon/Discount codes at a glance



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