Home & Garden Trend Report for 2019


Across Europe, we saw impressive growth in the Home & Garden industry during 2019. The order value increased by 71% YOY, whilst the number of sales grew by 98% YOY! Mobile Sales took a share of 34% of the total number of sales in the industry. The average order value across all devices declined to 143 EUR for 2019 (compared to 166 EUR in 2018), whilst the Smartphone AOV declined to 105 EUR in 2019 (compared to 129 EUR in 2018).


KPI HomeGarden


When taking a look at the seasonality of the Home & Garden Order Value, we saw a peak in the order value at the end of the year 2019. Especially November – due to the Cyber Weekend – was an important month for the industry. Noticeable: while in 2018 there was a steady increase in order value, in 2019 there was a decline in order value in the months June to September.


seasonality HG


As previously noted, November and therefore the Cyber Weekend was an important event for the Home & Garden industry. During the Cyber Weekend, 5% of the total number of sales during 2019 was generated, whilst the number of sales accounted for 5% of the total number of sales during 2019. The average order value on Cyber Weekend was at 124 EUR (compared to 143 EUR during the whole year of 2019).


Highest Growth in Germany

The biggest player in 2019 in the Home & Garden industry was Germany with an increase in OV of remarkable 68% YOY! The German market accounted for 40% of the total order value in this segment, followed by Sweden and Poland. OV in Sweden in this industry increased by an impressive 155% YOY! Even though Poland slightly decreased in OV by 6% YOY, they remained an important market for Home & Garden – and took a share of 11% of the total OV in this segment during 2019.


HG markets


Best performing publisher model

Looking at the publisher models, the top sellers from the beginning of 2019 have remained in their top position. The top seller Coupon/Discount codes extended their lead in 2019 with an increase in OV of 72% YOY and accounted for 33% of the total Home & Garden OV across Europe. Cashback/Loyalty still grew its OV by an impressive 72% YOY and Price Comparison by 50% YOY. Followed by Vertical Sites with an increased OV by 20% YOY.


publisher models HG


Coupon/Discount-codes at a glance

KPI Coupon


Cashback/Loyalty at a glance

KPI Cashback


Price Comparison at a glance

Kpi Price Comparison

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