Long-Term Performance Cooperation – bonprix

We are proud to announce that Tradedoubler Poland has won again an award in the largest performance contest of the CEE region – the Performance Marketing Diamonds CEE 2022! This competition is organised annually by the Chamber of Digital Economy and awards the best performance and affiliate marketing projects in the CEE region.

The bonprix brand has been present on the Polish and many European markets for over 30 years and bonprix affiliate program at Tradedoubler Poland has been running since October 2006 – this is over 15 years of great and effective cooperation!

Bonprix has been with Tradedoubler for some time and since October 2020 we are the exclusive partner for 14 markets: DE, ES, IT, FI, NO, SE, FR, CZ, PL, UA, SK, HU, NL, BE


Based on our many years of experience, industry analysis, understanding of the client’s needs, we have been able to develop bonprix.pl program over the long term, despite the changing and increasingly difficult competitive environment in the fashion industry. Long-standing relationships with publishers, the maintenance of acceptable order cancellation rates, reliable tracking and searching for new opportunities are all important here.

We would like to thank bonprix for the trust they have placed in us over the years. This award would not have been possible without your commitment, openness, and professionalism. Thank you!

Are you ready to bring your business to the next level? Reach out to our team of experts now >>

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