Publisher Spotlight: Finder UK


We caught up with Tony May to discuss all things Finder, have a read today!


Can you briefly introduce yourself?

Hi, my name is Tony and I’m a Performance Manager at Finder UK. I’ve been in the affiliate marketing industry for around five years, working both on the advertiser side with Santander & TSB and also on the network / SaaS side with Partnerize. I moved to the publishing world with Finder at the end of 2019 to help grow the company’s presence across their banking and investment niches.


Can you introduce Finder and the core business values?

Finder is a comparison website on a mission to help customers make better decisions in everything they do. Originally founded in Australia (where they are the market leader), Finder branched out overseas by opening UK & US offices in 2016. Since then, we have builtupourUK team to almost 30 people and we attract over 1.4m website visitors every month. Our internal structure closely resembles a traditional news outlet with a large team of researchers, writers, editors and publishers who focus on producing the best content possible for our users.Youcan find a vast array of products which are reviewed and compared onoursiterangingfromthebest mobile banking apps and financial products, to the latest fashion trends, travel deals and software reviews.


What would you say are the biggest benefits for an advertiser working with Finder?

We bring a unique, content-led approach to the traditional comparison sector which allows us to work collaboratively with our clients to really bring out the benefits of their products and services. As a relatively small organisation here in the UK, we’re nimble enough to turn projects around very quickly. We’ve also got a really approachable team and we pride ourselves on building honest, transparent relationships with everyone we work with.


Tell us more about your audience and what types of advertisers do you work best with?

Our visitors are extremely diverse in nature andvarybasedentirelyonthetypesofthingsthey’re looking for. We manage a number of relationships with advertisers across all verticals ranging from one man bands all the way to multi-national corporations-sowe’renotfussyaboutwhowe work with, so long as our users are interested in their products!


What makes Finder an exciting company?

Finder is an exciting business because we cover so many different product areas.This enables us to gain a fantastic insight into the things people are interested in and helps to guide our strategy when it comes to content creation. We also adopt a test and learn strategy which has enabled us to uncover how best to optimise our traffic in order to achieve the best results for ourselves and the advertisers we work with.


Any exciting plans coming up in the next 12 months?

We are at a critical stage in our growth here in the UK, as we look to consolidate our money and retail verticals. WearehopingtobecomeGoogleNewscertifiedinthenextfewmonths, which will give our articles and reviews greater authority in search rankings. We are also looking to release our first-ever app, which is the first step in our long-term CRM approach to really ‘own’ the customers coming to our site.


Where do you think is the Affiliate space heading to in the next year and what are the main market disruptions?

Before the coronavirus crisis, I would have said the key themes to look out for would have been attribution, cookie tracking and the gradual move away from a last click model. But since the onset of the current pandemic, I think we now face a more existential threat relating to the value of the affiliate channel as a whole. That’s why it’s more important now than ever for us to work closely with our advertisers to ensure we are delivering incremental value via our content.


What is the most exciting time of year for you as a business?

Traditionally, we’d have a full calendar due to the range of different verticals we work across. For example, the banking sector tends to peak early in the year, travel spikes over the summer and then we see a retail surge between Black Friday leading into Christmas. However, as the world changes due to the coronavirus pandemic, these traditional seasonal variations are now completely dependent on external variables, so it’s a very interesting period for us as we need to stay dynamic and ready to react!


Is there anything else you’d like our advertisers to know?

We’re always looking for new products /services to review and compare, so if you think that your product warrants inclusion on our site, or you’re looking to test a genuinely different content-led approach in your affiliate program, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch!


What is one fun fact about Finder?

As part of our ongoing test and learn strategy (and as a bit of light hearted fun), we developed a ‘where to buy toilet paper online’ page at the height of the UK’s panic buying/stockpiling period at the end of March 2020. We managed to generate over 15,000 visits to this page in a two week period. This shows not only how talented our team are at creating relevant and optimised content, but also how difficult it was to buy toilet paper in the UK at the time!


If you’d like to work with Finder UK get in touch with today.
Thank you, Tony, for the interesting insights!

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