Publisher Spotlight: Goodie


Sylwia Bilińska-Jaroszczak – Head of Business Development in Millennium Goodie – the company, which established the goodie shopping platform, talks about ideas for business in the FinTech sector and why cashback has a great future in Poland.


How did goodie start?

Faced with market development and the emergence of FinTechs, banks pick on various strategies: they compete, cooperate, acquire or create their own ventures. An example of own initiative development is goodie. It is a modern smart shopping platform created as an internal start-up and available to everyone. An out of the box idea, which constitutes a competitive advantage


Is there something, which makes you unique in the cashback services market?

Apart from the huge advantage of support by a strong a respected institution, which Bank Millennium is, the product itself stands out thanks to the following features: cashback rates, which we give to customers, speed of payment, number of partners as well as growth rate. What is important is that we try to combine cashback with discounts from brands in order to maximize user benefits.


What is the stage of the goodie project? Are you planning to launch new functionalities?

We are in the growth stage, we are attracting new users and activating them, but we are also extensively developing new functionalities of the goodie platform. New projects are being implemented as we speak.


What benefits do clients cooperating with goodie enjoy?

From the merchant’s point of view the goodie platform, first of all, represents the opportunity to sell and to reach our users’ database. So far goodie has been downloaded by more than 1,5 million customers who are using the app actively as a virtual shopping adviser. They are consumers who wait for information from goodie – where they can satisfy their purchasing needs best. Using these resources we give our business partners the opportunity to accurately target communication, a choice of efficiency-based settlement models (such as CPC or CPS) as well as a broad range of promo activities. We are characterized by a flexible approach to every merchant, which guarantees an effective performance-based cooperation.


What is your view on the vouchers and cashback market in Poland?

The vouchers market is already mature and apart from goodie, there are several other big players on it. Meanwhile, cashback remains a niche part of the market, especially compared with e.g. the United Kingdom. In Poland there is no widespread knowledge about this service, there are no platforms, which would gather the majority of customers. It is our aim to increase the popularity of the function of recovering part of spending on online purchases and to strengthen the position in this segment.


Are you looking at the cashback market abroad?

We are looking at it and learning. Foreign examples give us the conviction that you can get anyone interested in the cashback service, not just Internet experts and cherry pickers.


Are you planning to expand on other markets?

We are contemplating all possibilities.


2019 for you has been…?

Growth of the number of active users and the number of transactions done by them. In either criterion, the last quarter was better than the first one. We have a strong growth trend and are working on retaining it.


How about your plans for this year?

In 2020 we will focus on goodie functional development and increasing the activity of users already acquired.  As for cashback, we want to improve tracking and accruing transactions between goodie – Tradedoubler – shops. We see this as an important factor for further growth.


Thank you, Sylwia!

Interested in working with Goodie? To find out more please contact Monika Dabrowka or our Publisher Development Team.

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