The most effective affiliate program – empik

We are proud to announce that Tradedoubler Poland has once again won an award in the largest performance contest of the CEE region – the Performance Marketing Diamonds CEE 2022! This competition is organised annually by the Chamber of Digital Economy and awards the best performance and affiliate marketing projects in the CEE region.

This year we won two awards in this contest. One award in the category of long-term performance cooperation with our client bonprix. And the other in the the most effective affiliate program with our client empik.

Read here more about our victory in the long-term performance cooperation category >>

The most effective affiliate program – empik
Krystian Furczak, Client Development Manager at Tradedoubler Poland

About empik

empik is a Polish commercial chain selling books, music publications, films, games, software, prints, audiobooks, computer accessories as well as press and tickets for cultural and entertainment events – in other words you can find everything there.


The brand empik has been in the Polish market for over 30 years and is getting bigger every year. It belongs to one of the biggest eCommerce stores in Poland.

The year 2021 was an exceptional year in which we introduced a many changes and modifications aimed at developing the affiliate program in the best possible way. Starting from simple changes in the form of increasing the number of publishers, through the introduction of new sales channels, to the analysis of the structure of categories and commissions in the program. Such changes helped to achieve excellent results and thus win the prize.

Thank you

We would like to thank empik for the trust they have placed in us over the past years. This award would not have been possible without your commitment, openness, and professionalism – Thank you!

Are you ready to bring your business to the next level? Reach out to our team of experts now >>

The most effective affiliate program – empik

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