Start early! 5 App Marketing strategies for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales extravagance are just around the corner, and if you have not started planning your marketing strategy yet, now is the time!

If you are not sure where to start, do not worry – we have got you covered. Here are 5 app marketing strategies that will help you make the most of this holiday shopping season:

1. Start early (hint: NOW)

It will get hectic leading up to these two shopping holidays, it is strategic to start planning your marketing budget and strategies as soon as possible. Test, test, test. You will then have insights on hand for user behaviors and preferences before the D-days which would help with the actual scale up.

A good window would be at least a month in advance. If you are reading this article and all prepared, congratulations! If not, it is time to get moving!

2. Run a holiday-themed promotion

People love a good deal, so running a holiday-themed promotion is a great way to boost downloads and engagement. You can offer discounts on in-app purchases, run a contest or giveaway, or even offer a free trial of your premium features.

Just make sure that your promotion is well-targeted and relevant to your app – otherwise, you risk turning off potential users.

3. Make sure your app is ready for the holiday rush

app marketing

With more people using your app during the holiday season, it is important to make sure that it can handle the increased traffic. This means testing your app thoroughly beforehand and ensuring that all potential bugs are ironed out.

It is also a good idea to beef up your customer support in case there are any issues. Nothing will ruin the holidays for your users more than an app that does not work properly.

4. Use holiday-themed marketing materials

To get people in the holiday spirit, make sure your app’s marketing materials are festive and relevant to the season. This includes everything from your app icon and screenshots to your website and social media posts.

Using holiday-themed marketing materials is a great way to show that your brand is fun and festive – two things that are sure to appeal to holiday shoppers.

5. Take advantage of social media

app marketing

Social media is a powerful marketing tool, and it can be especially useful during the holiday season. This is the time of year when people are actively looking for gift ideas, so make sure your app is visible on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

You can also use social media to run holiday-themed promotions and giveaways. Just make sure to use hashtags and other relevant keywords so that people can easily find your app.

With these app marketing strategies in mind, you’re sure to have a successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Just start planning now and make sure your app is ready for the holiday rush!

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About Appiness

Appiness is a global mobile performance solution for app marketing and monetization, based in Amsterdam – the Netherlands. We work with several models like App Download (CPI), Registration (CPR), Sales (CPS), to achieve the best results, reach objectives, and grow your business further.

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