TD Nordics is Great Place to Work certified!

Tradedoubler Nordics has been certified as a Great Place to Work! In the month of April, all of us at TD Nordics took part in a survey from the Great Place to Work® Institute, the global authority on workplace culture, employee experience and leadership behaviors. The well-known survey is brought...

Hitta nya kunder – få konverterande trafik

Hitta nya kunder – få konverterande trafik   Förhållandet mellan annonsörer och kunder förändras och idag har konsumenterna mer inflytande på företag än någonsin. Forrester kallar den nya eran ”“Age of the Customer” och pekar bland annat på vikten av en effektiv annonsering online, med reklam som är riktad och...

User Journey insights reveal Europe’s online buying habits

User Journey insights reveal Europe’s online buying habits Insights gathered from our User Journey technology have uncovered the detailed online buying habits of European consumers. Uncovering the often unexpected paths taken by online consumers en route to purchase, provides marketers with valuable information that they can use to optimise their digital advertising budgets by helping them to target consumers more...